EAST LANSING: 517.484.8000 | NOVI: 248.533.0741 | WEST MICHIGAN: 616.588.7700
Michigan State Police Announce Significant Changes to Criminal Background Check Procedures for Contracted Services Providers
The Michigan State Police (MSP) Criminal Justice Information Center has issued an updated Guidance for Michigan Schools and Their Partners on Conducting Criminal Background Checks. This Guidance became effective on January 1, 2014 and includes significant changes to the criminal history record information (CHRI) process for schools working with private contracted services providers. See www.michigan.gov/documents/msp/school_guidance_400320_7.pdf. A brief overview of key provisions in the updated Guidance are availble to our retainer clients by clicking here.
Also see:
Criminal Justice Information Sercvices Security Policy http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/cjis-security-policy-resource-center
A sample Affidavit for Assignment http://www.michigan.gov/documents/msp/Generic-Affidavit_for_Assignx_408854_7.pdf