EAST LANSING: 517.484.8000 | NOVI: 248.533.0741 | WEST MICHIGAN: 616.588.7700
About Us
Experienced attorneys, top-quality service.
Thrun Law Firm, P.C. is Michigan’s premier public sector law firm, specializing in education and municipal law. In contrast to other law firms, public sector law is not just a "sideline" business or one of many practice areas for our firm. Instead, our attorneys focus almost exclusively on public sector law and representing the firm’s school district, public school academy, local government and other public sector clients across Michigan. We have a deep bench of experienced attorneys and other resources necessary to provide our public sector clients with quality and effective legal representation, and our concentration on public sector law results in substantial cost savings for our clients. Our history of representing the majority of Michigan's school districts for over 75 years benefits our school clients through effective and efficient legal representation, comprehensive and knowledgeable legal analysis of issues facing school boards and administrators, and fair and cost-effective billing practices. Founded by the Thrun family in the 1950's (see our firm history page), Thrun Law Firm has set the standard for legal representation of school districts and other municipalities in the State of Michigan. Because of this legal expertise and the number of school districts and other municipalities it represents, our attorneys generally have knowledge of, and prior experience in, addressing similar legal issues and problems that occur among several of our school district and other public sector clients.